Windows QuickTime


Important: QuickTime 7 for Windows is no longer supported by Apple. New versions of Windows since 2009 have included support for the key media formats, such as H.264 and AAC, that QuickTime 7 enabled. All current Windows web browsers support video without the need for browser plug-ins. If you no longer need QuickTime 7 on your PC, follow the instructions for uninstalling QuickTime 7 for Windows.

What's New in QuickTime 7.7.9
QuickTime 7.7.9 contains security updates and is recommended for all QuickTime 7 users on Windows. For information on the security content of this update, please visit this website:

The QuickTime web browser plug-in is no longer installed by default and is removed if you have a previous version of QuickTime on your PC. If you still need this legacy plug-in, you can add it back using the custom setup option in the installer.

QuickTime 7 is for use with Windows Vista or Windows 7. If installed on other versions of Windows, it may not offer full functionality.

Notice to QuickTime 6 Pro users
Installing QuickTime 7 or later will disable the QuickTime Pro functionality in prior versions of QuickTime, such as QuickTime 6. If you are a QuickTime 6 Pro user, see this article: before proceeding with this installation.

Flipgrid Camera/Microphone Access - All Web Browsers

Camera/Microphone Access - All Web Browsers

Flipgrid supports any browser on PCs, Macs and Chromebooks! If you're having issues accessing your camera/microphone on Flipgrid, please try the recommended steps below:

  1. Make sure your browser has given Flipgrid the permission to access your camera and microphone. This is a setting that can be found both within your browser as well as your main computer settings (see device-specific instruction links below)

  2. Log out of the Grid by clicking the button in the upper-right corner of the Flipgrid page and re-join. This will refresh your access with our system.

  3. Open the Flipgrid page in a Private browser window by following these instructions: (this can help identify if there is a browser extension or add-on that is interfering.)


  1. Is Flipgrid embedded into another webpage? If so, please go directly to and enter your Flip Code.

  2. Update to the latest version of your browser of choice. We recommend using Chrome.

  3. Try another browser to see if the issue persists. This helps identify an issue with the browser vs your device.

  4. Force quit the browser and try again (hold Command + Q on Mac, Alt+F4 on PC, close ALL windows on Chromebooks). You can also restart your device and try again.


Some issues can be specific to devices. 

PCs -

Chromebooks -

Macs -

If problems continue for you when trying to use Flipgrid on a web browser, please click "Contact Support" and we will assist you further!



3.42.1 (2019-05-08) min Mac OS X 10.9
Bundled adware issues

In 2013 the project's hosting site,, provided the main download of FileZilla with a download wrapper, "offering" additional software for the user to install. Numerous users reported that some of the adware installed without consent, despite declining all install requests, or used deception to obtain the user's "acceptance" to install. Among the reported effects are: web browser being hijacked, with content, start page and search engines being forcibly changed, popup windows, privacy or spying issues, sudden shutdown and restart events possibly leading to loss of current work. Some of the adware was reported to resist removal or restoration of previous settings, or were said to reinstall after a supposed removal. Also, users reported adware programs to download and install more unwanted software, some causing alerts by security suites, for being malware.

The FileZilla webpage offers additional download options without adware installs, but the link to the adware download appears as the primary link, highlighted and marked as "recommended".

As of 2016, FileZilla displays ads (called sponsored updates) when starting the application. These ads appear as part of the "Check for updates" dialog.

In 2018, a further controversy about FileZilla's use of a bundled adware installer caused concern.